About this Blog

This blog is made by Sis. Fjeldsted's family to keep you updated with all her experiences! She reported March 20th and we will see her again a year and a half later. We are so excited she can serve the people of Arcadia and we hope you find enjoyment and upliftment in her letters.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Dear Family and Friends,
This was my first week in my new area with my new companion. It's beautiful here and I love it. I LOVE my companion. We get along so well and she is amazing! I can't believe she is leaving at the end of this transfer. It seems like so far away until that's me. I've learned a lot from her. She's very wise and always has great insight. I've got to learn the area and the ward quickly because once she's gone it's up to me to hold down the fort as far as missionary work goes in this area unless they whitewash (bring brand new missionaries in the area) which I doubt they will do. We live with a member a single widow so only sister's can live here for now so I don't see that they would bring two new sisters in the area when I'm already here. Not that I know everything but that's as far as I've gathered. Anyways, I love it here. There are SO many members here I cannot believe it. It's like a mini Utah or something, it's crazy! The members have been helpful and involved in the missionary work here which has been such a blessing. It is a very very affluent area. We're talking upscale from Beverly Hills. It's been a struggle to find people to teach but I have great faith that we will.
We have been teaching a hand full of people (about 7 investigators which for around here is a lot) but they're kind of up and down. We invited 6 of them last week to be baptized but they said they want to but aren't ready. So there is still work to do. I've been blessed to be here teaching these people with Sister Fleming. 
This week I've learned a lot- about life and about myself. I don't think I was a bad person before or very immature or anything like that but after what I have learned even so far I wouldn't want to go on with my life with only what I knew before. ( sorry the syntax of that message was terrible). It's been such a blessing to be here. I've learned so much and have gained greater knowledge and have a change of heart. Being here for 18 months is hardly even a sacrifice. I've been out 2 months today so I guess just 16 to go! When things do get hard though I remember that it's all worth it and this is the best way I could be using my time- helping people, serving people, loving people, and teaching them about Christ. I've really learned how to grow and improve through the atonement. We cannot become greater on our own without the help of a greater divine being. We need Heavenly Father's help and guidance and the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ to get anywhere.
A funny thing happened this week. Sister Fleming and I had dinner with a family (the Palmer's) and the mom asked what my dad's name is and she says she knows you dad! How funny! I don't have with me where I wrote it down but I asked her her first name and maiden name. She sad she went to BYU with you. I keep running into people that know people in our family it's pretty funny.
Also thank you for everyone who has been writing me letters. Thank you Abby Booth and family. Sorry I haven't had time to write home at all lately, it's just been so busy being in a new area. I love you all.
Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I LOVE YOU! How was  your birthday? What did you do? I hope you saved me some cake! I love you all. Have a great week!
Sister Chelsey Fjeldsted
p.s. I had dinner with another family and they went to that random petting zoo in utah next to the gas station and gift shop in the middle of no where we passed by on a road trip where the goat bit my finger.

I(Maddy) think it was a donkey. Oh and the last letter was wrong. It is Sister Fleming with one m not two. I fixed it though. Just thought I would let you know. 

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